Friday, September 11, 2015

So you do not care about disbarred attorneys? Maybe, you should

I am starting this new blog because of the number of suspended and disbarred attorneys that have contacted me in regards to my Attorney Independence blog.

It appears that:

1) states consistently target for suspension and/or disbarment the following categories of attorneys:

  • small firm or solo;
  • not contributing financially to judicial campaigns;
  • having no blood connections or friendships with the judiciary or other high-ranking governmental officials;
  • criticizing misconduct of high-ranking governmental officials, through their public or even private statements or through their professional activity, in court pleadings
  • having a good law practice that takes clients away from "well connected attorneys"
  • attorneys who had the audacity to win - especially if it is a big time win - against well connected attorneys
I know about lawyer jokes.

I know that for most people the fate of a suspended or disbarred attorney is either a non-issue to which they are completely indifferent, or people assume that if an attorney is disbarred, that's what he or she deserved, and the more of "those lawyers" be disbarred the better.

That is - until those same people come across a problem of not being able to find an attorney to handle a "sensitive" issue like making a motion to recuse or filing a civil rights action because attorneys are deadly afraid for their reputation and license - and are afraid of possible and likely retaliation against them for making such a motion or filing such a lawsuit.

Suspension and disbarment is a problem not only for those attorneys who are suspended or disbarred. They will, most likely, find application for their intelligence and talent in another area - over time, with difficulty, but they will.

Yet, it is the public who is deprived of independent representation and is left only with "yes-men" (and women) or with the BNB (the brown-nosing bunch) who will sell their clients out in order to win a case and keep their license intact.

I have started this blog to document how exactly disbarred and suspended attorneys, often disbarred specifically for their GOOD work to protect the INDIGENT and the DISCRIMINATED clients, are treated after their license was taken.

As with my other blogs, I do not force anybody to read what I write.

But, I do believe that the public in general will benefit by the information that I am going to provide.

If a disbarred attorney is provided less rights than you, because of his identity as a disbarred attorney (that is, an individual whose law license was taken away - without a criminal conviction), expect that you will be discriminated in court "because" of some other bad status that you may have:

  • a deadbeat parent;
  • a poor person;
  • an illiterate person;
  • a disabled person;
  • a woman with a brain (that's a bad one for many courts)
The Lady Justice is either blind or she is sighted.

By the way, the Lady Justice statue that stands near the chambers of the Chenango County Supreme Court Judge Kevin Dowd IS sighted - no kidding.

And boy does she reflect the reality of those chambers.

Yet, if the Lady Justice is sighted as to disbarred attorneys, she may be sighted as to you, too.

A disbarred attorney is still a living, breathing human being who has equal rights with everybody else - by the State and Federal Constitutions.

He or she is disbarred (suspended) - but not beheaded, while many courts consider such an individual as non-existent as far as the rule of law (if that rule exists, too) is concerned.

And no, I am not disbarred - at least not yet, as far as I know.   

But, since I fall into a lot of categories mentioned above for which states usually disbarred independent attorneys - I won't preclude that in the future.

You can read my never-ending story of disciplinary proceedings on my other blog, Attorney Independence, there is no need to duplicate it here.

There are documents published there as to how disciplinary courts violate federal antitrust laws, disregard mandatory precedent, disregard statutory and constitutional rights of attorneys, allow fabrication of court transcripts, deny already court-ordered evidentiary hearings, refuse to open up proceedings to the public and the press despite the attorney's specific request to do so - and even where disciplinary prosecutors attempt to file criminal charges against attorneys for blogging about their own misconduct and fraudulent behavior (indisputable and well documented).

This blog will be about the treatment by the courts, the public and the legal profession of suspended and disbarred attorneys on issues that have nothing to do with the practice of law.

For those who are interested in the subject - stay tuned.

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